mandag 30. april 2012

reading a new blog. and watching yet another new series

As you can see from the sidebar here, the one called "favourite blogs",I like to follow the blogs some nice people, friends and people I dont know but where I like their writing style or themes.
Today Lisa sent me link to her blog, so I will start following "Under overgrunnen". As you can see, some of the blogs I follow are in English and some of them are in Norwegian. Just as I myself sometimes write in English and sometimes in Norwegian. My later posts have been in Norwegian, due to the fact that the texts were something I had already written for other purposes, and posted because I was thinking they could be of interest for others then me. or because it sort of fitted better to write them in Norwegian.

Sitting right now watching an american tv-show called "The Walking Dead", which makes the series I am watching reaching number three, pluss I am watching Dexter but there is no new season right now. the other shows I am currently watching is "Revenge" and "Game of Thrones".

What are you currently watching? And do you have any suggestions for blogs I should read? :)

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